
A collection of our most frequently used protocols. Please reference the appropriate papers (listed below) when using protocols from this page.

Assembling microtubule-based active matter

Alexandra M. Tayar, Linnea M. Lemma, Zvonimir Dogic

Tubulin Protein Recycling Guide


"Preparation of Modified Tubulins," Anthony Hyman, David Dreschel, Doug Kellogg, Steve Salser, Ken Sawin, Pam Steffen, Linda Wordeman, Tim Mitchison, Methods in Enzymology 196, 478-485 (1991). [Web]

Tubulin Protein Labeling Guide


"Preparation of Modified Tubulins," Anthony Hyman, David Dreschel, Doug Kellogg, Steve Salser, Ken Sawin, Pam Steffen, Linda Wordeman, Tim Mitchison, Methods in Enzymology 196, 478-485 (1991). [Web]

Tubulin Protein Purification Guide


"Purification of brain tubulin through two cycles of polymerization-depolymerization in a high-molarity buffer," Mirco Castoldi, Andrei V. Popov, Protein Expression and Purification 32, 83-86 (2003). [Web]

Passive Tracer Particles


"Spontaneous motion in hierarchically assembled active matter," Tim Sanchez, Daniel T. N. Chen, Stephen J. DeCamp, Michael Heymann and Zvonimir Dogic, Nature 491, 431-434 (2012). [Web][Supp.]

PEG Coated Slides


"Condensation of isolated semi-flexible filaments driven by depletion interactions," A. W. C. Lau, A. Prasad and Z. Dogic EPL 87, 48006 (2009). [PDF]

PEG Coated Slides - Improved Passivation


"Efficient one-step PEG-silane passivation of glass surfaces for single-molecule fluorescence studies," Y. Gidi, S. Bayram, C. J. Ablenas, A. S. Blum, and G. Cosa, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 46 (2018). [Web]

Flat Oil-Water Interfaces


"Orientational order of motile defects in active nematics," Stephen J. Decamp, Gabriel S. Redner, Aparna Baskaran, Michael. F. Hagan and Zvonimir Dogic, Nature Materials, 14, 1110-1115 (2015). [PDF]

Acrylamide-Coated Slides


"Condensation of isolated semi-flexible filaments driven by depletion interactions," A. W. C. Lau, A. Prasad and Z. Dogic EPL 87, 48006 (2009). [PDF]

Cell Transformation and Expression in E. Coli


"Microtubule Movement by a Biotinated Kinesin Bound to a Streptavidin-coated Surface," E. Berliner, H. K. Mahtani, L. F. Chu, J. E. Cronan Jr., J. Gelles Journal of Biological Chemistry 269, 8610-8615 (1993). [PDF]

Kinesin Purification with an AKTA Chromatograph


"Microtubule Movement by a Biotinated Kinesin Bound to a Streptavidin-coated Surface," E. Berliner, H. K. Mahtani, L. F. Chu, J. E. Cronan Jr., J. Gelles Journal of Biological Chemistry 269, 8610-8615 (1993). [PDF]